1986, Romania under Ceauşescu’s dictatorship, first philosophy seminar
She entered the class, no books, no papers.
- Our theme today is freedom. Can anyone define freedom?
Nobody dared to answer. She asked again.
One rebel colleague shouted:
- Freedom is to be able to do everything!
- But you are able to kill, right? Does this make you free?
- I meant to be allowed to do everything!
- Let's say you are 'free' to kill people. So does your colleague. Knowing that he is allowed to kill, would you live peacefully, with no worries?
- Not really...
- So you will not be really free, watching over your shoulder every second!
Silence was buzzing into our ears. She asked again.
One timid voice said:
- To be able to buy everything, to travel wherever and whenever you want…
- Let's say you are. But imagine you have a terminal disease. Would you feel free?
- Of course not! God, what is the definition of freedom after all?!
- Freedom is the understood necessity!
Another heavy silence was pressing our brains. Someone said:
- It doesn't make sense! What's necessity got to do with it?!
- What are your necessities? What do you want that you don't have already?
- I want to find a disco opened till dawn, to be allowed to travel in a western country and things like that.
- But would you starve, would you go ill, would you die without these?
- No, of course!
- So, these are whishes not necessities. Water is a necessity but soda is not. Food is a necessity but beluga is not...
The two hours passed so quickly. I tried to apply all my life what she taught us. Because that very lesson I was able to understand that freedom comes from inside. It helped me later to understand Nicolae Steinhardt and to learn from his Happiness Diary.
She opened my eyes, he opened my heart. Thank you dear teachers.
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